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Media At CIX

Welcome to the CIX Press Room, a one-stop shop for journalists and media outlets to download content, access press releases, apply for media accreditation, and learn about the CIX Summit.

Apply For Media Accreditation

CIX invites journalists working with recognized print, digital and broadcast newswires, business, news, industry and trade outlets, and publications to register for media accreditation to the CIX Summit to report on, and publish stories about the event, its speakers and delegates.

Recognized media includes editorial staff (reporters, editors) and technical support (camera crews) only. All media wishing to gain access to CIX sessions must be approved by CIX in advance of the conference. Applications for media accreditation are subject to our media accreditation policy.

Media Inquiries

To connect with a CIX spokesperson and for all media inquiries, email